Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Video Storyboard Summary

When you try to start off a video or a digital story, then you obviously need a storyboard just because you use storyboards to try to communicate and what your message is so that you don't forget. Also, you use storyboards to know whats gonna happen at the right time.

Using storyboards will help what you need to include during the final touches on it to make sure that this is whats gonna happen, what this person is gonna say , the direction it gonna take, and also the music in the background of the presentation would also be nice to make the story more interesting.Storyboards will also edit and provide detail as to what section of the story needs to make sure that it goes like it was planned. Providing arrows in the diagram of the storyboard tells where the person is gonna walk to or head to depending on what the person is trying to reveal once its edited.

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